Preventing production failures before start production.

Pre-production (raw material) inspection

Preventing production failures before start production.

Pre-production (raw material) inspection

by CIL1
Raw materials, parts and essential components are the base for creating a product. The quality of these raw materials, parts and components are the source of the product and its quality within the future of manufacturing. Quality failures within the raw materials will therefore result in quality failures at mass production. Quality inspections on raw materials will save time and costs in the future. We can help you with executing quality inspections on raw materials at factories in China.

Pre-inspection (pre-production inspection)

We can help you to execute pre-production inspections in China. We serve worldwide companies within all industries, branches and product categories. From chemicals, PCB’s, consumer electronics and just components till paint, natural raw materials or plastics. We can help you inspect all materials and components which are needed to manufacture products before the actual production. Our pre-inspections in China are accurate and safe serving your business purpose.

Raw material inspection purpose

Making use of us helping you to control the raw materials and their quality means that you prevent manufacturing failures from happening in general. Small issues can result in big financial losses in the end. We help you to prevent this financial loss. Wrong materials within a product can result in different quality levels, wrong shapes, assembly problems and it can influence the sustainability of the actual product usage. However, wrong materials can also result in chemistry problems. Such as the development of dangerous substances within base resins of your product or wrong substances which are not in line with product safety directives and marks set by governments.

We help you by executing pre-production inspections in China.

  • We help you to gain knowledge about raw materials.
  • We help you to prevent using bad materials/parts within production.
  • We help you to be in line with product safety directives.
  • We help you to save time and costs.
Pre-production inspections China

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