Because we are located in China, we can help you visit factories for any purpose you wish. We save time and costs for you by being your eyes and expertise in China when visiting factories for you.
We help you visiting factories in China
When the distance between you and China is too much and costs are high we can help you with a solution. We can visit factories for you to save time and costs. We can be your eyes and represent you at any factory in China. By our 100% transparency policy we provide documentation, photo an video material to let you experience the visit like you actually have been there. The comprehensive supply of information makes sure you are able to make well-considered judgements from anywhere in the world.
Factory standards
Our eyes and captured information will help you get the answers that you need. We help you judge the manufactured quality within the factory and inform you about the factory and its production processes. Besides, we help you judge the social and environmental standards within the factory.
Benefits using our help
- We help you by being your eyes in the factory.
- We help you to recognize and analyze quality standards.
- We help you judging factories by providing comprehensive documentation, photo and video material.
- We are your extension and defend you interests in China.
- We help you save costs and time consumption.