Hire us temporary for a project or just a single purchasing order at a factory. No long term contracts or long term obligations. We are in support of you for the period of time that you need us.
Hire us per project
When operating in China, you might need help or expertise only for a certain period. On project base, we offer our China expertise and experience based on your project. Based on your request and requirements we create the most suitable service for your project. Contact us to discuss your project and needs.
Hire us per (factory) order
With our years of experience in supply chain, we can help you to assure product quality and trustable purchasing processes in China. Our experience prevents your company from financial losses and risks. You can hire us to help you when buying at factories in China. We can help you in sourcing, contracting, factory management, QC inspections and all related to purchasing orders at factories. Besides, we can help you with product development, product design, product assembly and more. Contact us to discuss your buying plans and how we can help you.